

This is an absolutely essential document that provides a written benchmark, which should be amended, updated and recreated before the beginning of each new tenancy.

A properly constructed Inventory/Schedule of Condition details the fixtures and fittings and describes their condition and that of the property generally.

Please do read the advise given to tenants and landlord

Who doesn’t want their deposit back? Tenants should keep a comprehensive record of fixtures and fitting

As the length of tenancies increase, an accurate inventory can hold the key to renters receiving their deposit back at the end of their tenancy.

“It is also important to agree any inventory with your landlord when you move in. This can be a step that is easily forgotten, but it can be vital when trying to resolve and clarify any situations where items get lost, damaged or stolen.” This will or could effect your deposit.

Research shows that tenants are remaining in the same property for longer then ever before.

The following tips for prospective tenants looking to move into a new rented property:

1.Photographic evidence: Images detailing the property’s condition when you moved in

2. Keep a written record: While images will definitely help in documenting the state of the property and contents when you first move in. it is also useful to elaborate and explain the state of items in a detailed written description. This will help protect you if there is any dispute about the condition of items at the end of your tenancy

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